Monday, September 30, 2013

We have been learning a new closing song in our classroom.  Check it out below.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

There's No One Like You Performance Tomorrow and A Special Reader on this National Pirate Day!

There's No One Like You

The students will be performing their first Reader's Theater tomorrow morning, 9-20, at 8:25 a.m.  They have worked extremely hard on accuracy, comprehension, fluency and voice.  Hope to see you all there!

A special thank you to Mrs. Cordy for sharing her love of reading with us today.  She read Pirates Go to School by Corinne Demas.  This book was in a couple different genres; humor and rhyming.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Reading, Writing, Listening and Buddies!

The third week of school and the students have rebuilt their stamina and love of literacy rotations.

 Mrs. Belter's classroom will be joining us again this year for Reading Buddies on Wednesdays!  The students met their buddy today and began sharing their love of reading with each other.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

WSRA Leadership Committee Meeting

Today I am attending the WSRA Leadership Committee Meeting in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.  I was chosen for the Early Childhood Literacy Committee and I am having the MOST AMAZING TIME.

Collaborating with educators from around the state to be ADVOCATES for those students we serve!

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Math, Art Class and a Fun Birthday Read and Write the Room!

Math in First Grade begins with a reteaching of the previous days lesson 
and then a mini lesson on the SMART Board using My Math.

The students are learning how to explain what is happening in the picture by using math vocabulary to tell an addition story.  After our My Math mini lesson the students engage in Math Workshop. Math Workshop activities are focused on our the current topic of study. 

Today in ART Class the children began their "Line in Art" project.  
They were so excited to learn and be creative.

The learning fun continued with a Special Birthday Read and Write the Room!  
The focus of this Read and Write was on "Short a" and "Long a" words.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Happy Friday

Happy Friday!
It has been a wonderful first week of school.  The children have definitely shown they have knowledge of our 4B’s at Pelican School

* Be Respectful  *Be Responsible  *Be Safe  *Be Here & Healthy

Today we had our first Write, Show and Share!  The children wrote amazing clues, read each clue, reread when it was needed and answered questions from their classmates.

Math Rotations
The children were excited to explore their new My Math Journals today.
They asked if they were going to do all of it this year and I said yes and there was another journal too. The students said, “Oh my, are we going to be smart!”
After our explorations we began Math Workshop rotations.

One rotation the students visited was finding sums using the SMART Board.
We are definitely enjoying lunch in the classroom.  Today we had a special lunch outside on the picnic tables with our classmates.
This week we had to wait until Friday for Phy. Ed with Mr. Millot!  The kids were ecstatic to finally be going to gym class.  Just a reminder we have gym on Mondays and Fridays so please make sure your child has gym shoes at school  ~ Thank YouJ

THERE’S NO ONE LIKE YOU! On September 20, 2013 at 8:25 a.m
Ellie the Elephant
Geri the Giraffe
·       Payton – Henry
·       Margeaux – Ellie
·       Derrick – Pete
·       Charlie – Max
·       Jeffrey - Geri
·       Truman – Henry
·       Makinzie – Ellie
·       Andrew – Pete
·       Marcel – Max
·       Juliana - Geri
Max the Monkey
Pete the Porcupine
·       Willow – Henry
·       Makinzie – Ellie
·       Brady – Pete
·       Nathan – Max
·       Kasen - Geri
·       Emma – Henry
·       Rowyn – Ellie
·       Shawn – Pete
·       Emily – Max
·       Juliana - Geri
This reader’s theater has four short stories and a group reading at the end.  Please practice with your child.  The script can be found in the BEAR Binder.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

1st AWESOME Day of First Grade!!!

The one thing I absolutely love about being a looping teacher is seeing the faces of my returning students and their families.  They come into the classroom without any fears and already know our classroom expectations.

I am also happy to have three new students joining us for the school year.  After our Caring School Community Class Meeting today our new students felt as much a part of our classroom as everyone else.  This is because of the kindness and thoughtfulness everyone shows towards each other.

We began our day by quickly organizing all of our new supplies because we had ART class immediately beginning at 8:25.  Mrs. Roche, the art teacher, conducted a lesson pertaining to the book "The Dot".

After ART class we listened to a story about Sportsmanship and reflected on the meaning of this important word.  Then we met our two new first grade teachers, Mr. Anthony Klein and Ms. Tanya Cook, and their students outside for PBIS rotations.  The students reviewed the playground rule of Be Respectful, took a tour of the playground equipment, and role played a variety of situations to solve conflict using Rock, Paper and Scissors.  It was a great way to meet new teachers and students :)

We reflected on our PBIS rotations with Partner Turn and Talk and then we went out for recess!  After recess we retrieved our lunch and GOT TO EAT IN THE CLASSROOM!

After lunch we engaged in a Caring School Community Class Meeting. Today we did an Inside/Outside Circle where the students moved around to "Find Someone Who...."  It was amazing to just listen to them ask each other questions and watch them help one another out!

The next thing we did was think about our first day of First Grade.  The students made their own Flip Book about "What they liked, what they learned and what made them laugh".   I modeled for the students and then they tried it and were so successful.

We ended our day we snacks from me ~ Ice Cream Sandwiches, yummy!  Can't wait for tomorrow!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Excited to Greet My First Grade Stars Tomorrow

Tomorrow begins the start of the new school year. 
 Anxiously awaiting to see all of my students.

Visual Literacy Young Learners

  Lena David Wiesner Author Study These young learners were very excited to become visual literacy experts as they were introduced t...